Then look no further. You’ve found the most comprehensive patent bar exam study guide on the web. Our review course is a must have tool for anyone taking the United States Patent & Trademark registration examination (more commonly known as the “patent bar”). Our guide is the only study aid with actual topics recently appearing on the patent bar exam, as well as a complete list of repeat questions still appearing on the exam! Check out our free preview. Also, be sure to check out what our customers are saying, 95% of whom passed the examination on their first try. With our definitive guide to passing the patent bar, you will become a registered patent agent or attorney in no time, guaranteed!
Product Details
- Comprehensive guide explaining everything currently tested on the patent bar exam in crystal clear detail.
- Complimentary access to our extensive question database, which contains over 1,200 actual past exam questions WITH detailed answers. Learn with actual questions!
- That’s right, over one thousand questions actually appearing on previous administrations of the patent bar.
- As a special bonus, you will also receive a list of recently tested topics and questions that are frequently repeated on the exam. You will receive anywhere from 20 to 50 or more questions on your exam that come directly from our list of repeat questions. No other guide offers this!
- Paperback and electronic formats available. The electronic PDF format allows for easy viewing, searching, and printing.
- Instant access – You will receive an email with instructions on how to access the guide and question database immediately after checkout!
- Updated for the latest version of the MPEP and the America Invents Act! The most up-to-date study guide available!
Pass the Patent Bar with Ease and Jumpstart Your Career!
Electronic PDF Edition
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Paperback Print Edition
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